Jumaat, 17 Februari 2012

**good or bad news**ehmmmm

I don't know what could i say..

Today i teach my student as usual, only Edwin coz Mimi got flu..

I teach him hardly...ommo..he doesn't know anything..ommo..i just explain about Nouns and Pronouns, and today i give more example sentence to him. but when i ask him to answer my question, still not know...ommo..i know he is a kind student, just slow person....:-(

So i told myself i must teach him until he know and more knowledgable..actually i'm not fluently in English but i still have a self confident...:-)

now about a good news and bad news..

my aunt call me by Phone, she was told that i got a Job as an Arabic Lecturer at UMS that i ever applied it last year. So i must meet my Boss next week on Monday.

so now..i don't know if this is a good news or bad news..coz i still love my job now as English Teacher. ehmmm...i love my students..

haizzzss....aegyoo..what should i do...actully i am happy for this news...sad coz i'll stop my current job...huhuhuhuhu..anyway ..FIGHTING!!!!!!!

Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

**CoMpLeTe** You Make My Life Complete:-)


Pretty season passing a fragrant road
My cautious footsteps i'm nervous
When you come closer while smiling for me
It feels like all the happiness in this world is mine.

When i woke up due to the late afternoon sun i laughed.

Its still my far future but i hoped it wasn't my dream then
Just one love I hope the road we walk on is the same

Good morning Your morning call that wakes me up everyday
It feels like the morning we share together

You are more sweet then the pretty candy you give me

I have changed a lot due to time but i won't let go of your hands
Just For love Its going to be your last love forever so lean on me

Your love is so special to me
Oh It's true while looking at each other i want to be by your side

I have changed a lot due to time but i won't let go of your hands
Its going to be your last love forever so lean on me

To make my life complete
You make my life complete

Credits to SNSD (TrANSLaTioN)



Oh, thinking about our younger years
There was only you and me
We were young and wild and free
Now, nothing can take you away from me
We've been down that road before
But that's over now
You keep me coming back for more

Baby, you're all that I want
When you're lying here in my arms
I'm finding it hard to believe
We're in heaven
And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven

Oh, once in your life you find someone
Who will turn your world around
Pick you up when you're feeling down
Now, nothing can change what you mean to me
There's a lot that I could say
But just hold me now
Cause our love will light the way

Baby, you're all that I want
When you're lying here in my arms
I'm finding it hard to believe
We're in heaven
And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven

I've been waiting for so long
For something to arrive
For love to come along
Now our dreams are coming true
Through the good times
And the bad
I'll be standing there by you

Baby, you're all that I want
When you're lying here in my arms
I'm finding it hard to believe
We're in heaven
And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
It isn't too hard to see

We're in heaven

Ohh ohh ohh
Ohh ohh ohh
We're in heaven

Credit to JeTi ;-)

Jumaat, 27 Januari 2012

~ku Ingin Tunaikan amanah itu~

Assalamualaikum...salam mahabbah dari ana.. lama--dan lama sangat tak post kat blog nie...bz ker? emm boleh dikatakan begitulah..bz dgn aktvt harian as a Jiating Zhufu...emmm pe kebendanye tuh? hah...means suri rumah..opps..ana xkawin lg tp ana da jd suri rumah & org gaji(even xde gaji pon) kat my house..emmm xpelah itu salah satu amanah yg ditakhlifkan ke atas ana.

beberapa minggu nie ana ada tugas baru waima ana sedih coz xbrjy menjadi tenaga pengajar di sebuah skolah swasta tp ana redha..ustaz yg bg interview kat ana ri2 bgtau yg ana trmasuk calon menunggu..tgu cikgu tu kuar or trk dr so ana la yg dpt. tp ana redha..mungkin ada hikmah..ok dlm bbrp mggu nie ana pun jd guru secara xlgsungnye..ana ada 2 org murid utk tuisyen BI..syukur..seorg brnama MIMI and sorg lagi BIBI..sampai ana pun keliru kdg2..mujurlah muka lain2..hhuhu..so ana pun jd teacher durg every tuesday..for PMR student..but td baru je ada lg sorg bdk Form 4 tue nak join..Alhamdulillah

Dikala sahabat2 ana berjaya memasuki KPLI-J-QAF, ana rasa terasing cket coz xmhn kpli, then xdpt lak i'view baru2 nie..hampir shj hilang pedoman, terasa penyesalan, tp ana x mnyesal x mik Jqaf..ana kesal ana x dpt sebrg pkrjaan tetap lagi pada usia begini..lalu..pada Allah sahajala tempat mengadu..

Alhamdulillah berkat kesabaran...Allah beri petunjuk..ana tertarik utk memohon jwtn tenaga pengajar di PLD..mana2lah x kisah..ana mohon kerjasama mak sedara..xsgka dia bley minta tolong dgn ipar dia..emmm..and skg resume sudah di hntar semoga tertunailah hajat ana..kbtulan ana terbaca blog seorg teman, lalu ana PM dia, ana tanya pasal PLD..Alhamdulillah respon yg baik bahkan dia siap bgtau kat PLD nie bakal de 2 org yg nak kuar and skg mmg ngah cr org..Alhamdulillah

Setelah dipikirin byk kali..akhirnya ana temui jawapan..mengapa ana x beroleh kerjaya di sektor lain..kerna ana seorg daie...letaknya daie itu di medan dakwah..lalu Allah ilhamkan pada ana utk memohon di PLD..di situla yg spatutnya..bagaimana mungkin ana boleh melupakan segala ajaran para muadib ana masa di IPT dulu jika ana berada di medan dakwah?..benar ilmu xkan pudar jika kita berterusan mencurahkannya utk kebaikan bersama..

Andai ana kerja di sektor lain...ana tidak tahu adakah ana masih mengamalkan ajaran Islam atau tidak..kerna ana seorg yg mudah terpengaruh..lalu Allah lebih mengetahui segalaNya...kebergantungan kita hanya pada Allah..Ana percaya Allah akan beri yg terbaik buat hambaNya yg mentaatiNya..

semoga apa yg Ana harapkan dimakbulkanNya kerna Ana ingin sekali menunaikan amanah yg tertangguh itu...Aminnnnn